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PAGE CONTENTS: (clickto go to each section on this page)
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⇒ ^ Related Resources: EAB Topics w/Directories, Vendors, Products: Media: Books, Websites,+.
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Lehman 120 (6D380) Marinized from Ford of Britain 2715E diesel base engine.

Over the years since internal combustion engines arrived on the scene, many engine brands and vendors have come and gone, and many companies have changed hands or combined. Most engines available today exhibit advanced technologically and achieve impressive economy, performance and service life.

This webpage contains:

EAB’s Engine Related Topics

See the following Topics for in-depth Topic Treatments:
02.06.08 – Propulsion Machinery: (Types, Configurations, Features, Control Systems,+). – Engines: (Systems, Manufacturers, Marinizers, Resellers,+). – Engine Mechanical (Pistons, Rods, Crankshafts, Cylinders, Heads, Valves,+). – Engine Lubrication (Splash, Forced, Oil, Filtration, Additives, Oil Analysis,+). – Engine Aspiration & Fuel (Natural & Air Charged; Gasoline, Diesel, CNG,+). – Engine Electrical (Cranking, Charging, Ignition, Instrumentation, Electronics,+). – Engine Cooling (Air, Liquid: Raw Water, Fresh Water (Keel Cooler, Exchanger),+). – Engine Exhaust (Dry, Wet, w/Separator,+). – Engine Mounting (Hard, Soft,+). – Engine-to-Marine Gear Interfaces: (SAE Specs, Damper Plates, Jackshafts,+). – Marine Gears: (Reversing, Reduction; Mechanical, Hydraulic). – Shafting: (Propshafts, Couplings, Seals, Bearings, Struts, Keys, Nuts,+). – Propellers: (Types, Materials,+).
02.06.09 – Electrical Systems: DC & AC (Direct Current, Alternating Current,+). – Auxiliary Generators: (Diesel, Gasoline, Natural Gas,+).

List of EAB‘s Engine Vendor Directories by Genre

Directory Under Development

  • Vintage (Prior to World War II) A great many vendors came and went prior to WW2.
    • Non-Marine Base Engines (To be marinized aftermarket for IB, Gen., Pump,+)
    • Marine Base Engines (For IB, Gen., Pump,+)
    • Inboard Engines
      • Spark Ignition (Gasoline,+).
      • Hot Bulb Ignition (Semi-Diesel).
      • Compression Ignition (Diesel,+).
    • Outboard Motors.
  • Modern (Post World War II)
    • Non-Marine Base Engines (To be marinized aftermarket for IB, IO, Gen., Pump,+)
    • Marine Base Engines (For IB, IO, Gen., Pump,+)
    • Inboard Engines
      • Spark Ignition (Gasoline,+) Inboard Engines.
      • Hot Bulb Ignition (Semi-Diesel).
      • Compression Ignition (Diesel,+) Inboard Engines.
    • Outboard Motors
    • Inboard/Outboard Stern Drives
    • Jet Pump Drives
  • Asian Engines (Including unlicensed, unauthorized,+)

Alphabetical Directory of Engine Vendors
(Over 600 Brands, Badges, Manufacturers, Marinizers, Resellers, etc.)
(For Engine Dealers, see each Vendor’s Page or our Marine Suppliers Directories)

Click on Vendor Link to open our Webpage with Vendor Profiles,
Model Specifications, Duty Ratings, Documentation, etc.
(Right Click to open vendor in a new Tab or Window)

Vendors still in business and marketing engines are in BOLD font. Leading ‘^’ = From line above.
FUEL: H… = Hybrid: E = Electric (w/Batteries). C = Compression Ignited: D = Diesel. B = Bunker.
^ S = Spark Ignited: G = Gasoline (Petrol). V = Vapor. g = Gas. P = Propane. N = Natural Gas.
DRIVE: IB = Inboard (incl. V-Drive). IO = Inboard-Outboard. OB = Outboard. T = Trolling (Electric).
OD = Other Drives: S = Sail Drive. P = Pod Drive. L = L-Drive. J = Jet Pump. A = Air Prop. B = Base*
^ E = Electric. H = Hydraulic. a = G = Auxiliary Generator (AC, DC). w = Winch, Windlass. p = Pump.
YEARS MFR’D: Beginning∼Ending. Trailing ∼ (Tilde) without an Ending Date = Still in Production.
NOTES: > = Acquired by ___. Each additional > = an intervening owner. 〉 = Brand Changed to ___.
^ |Mfr’d by ___|. [Brand]. \Marinized by ___\. /Marinized Badge/. {Parent Company}. }Owns ___{.
^ ⌉Licensed from ___⌈. ⌈Licensed to ___⌉. ‹Reseller/Marketer›. ›Badge‹.
^ + (plus) indicates additional Owners, Vendors, Manufacturers, Brands, Badges, etc.
^ ¨ (Double dot) = 18… (as in ¨88 = 1888). ‘ = 19… (as in ’12 = 1912). ” = 20… (as in “14 = 2014).
^ >OoP… = Out of Production. >OoB… = Out of Business. Used with ‘ & ” above (as in >OoP’12).
^ sc = Stroke Cycle (as in 2sc & 4sc). +? = Data NOT Confirmed (as in1934? = Year Unconfirmed).
<CP/D∼R> = <Current Power/Displacement∼Range>. *Base Engines marinized by others.

Click on a letter to go to that section of the List
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Clicking any arrow in the center column returns
you back here to the beginning of this Directory.

VENDORS………………….. S C IB IO OB OD YEARS……….. NOTES…………………<CP/D∼R>
20th Century G IB 1903?∼1934? |New York Yacht‚ Launch+|
AB Gumælius & Komp G OB 1912∼1921 [Alka]
ABC Diesel D IB G 1912∼ <133kW/44L∼5200kW/351L>
Acadia Gas Engines G IB 1908∼1979 >OoB
ACME D ?∼?
Adams Launch & Eng G IB 1907∼? >OoB?
ADIM D ?∼?
Admiral ‹Affiliated› G OB 1914∼1915 |Blakely|
Advance ?∼? |Boch H F and Co|
AEC D IB ?∼?
Aerojet (General Tire) G IB L 1952∼1956> Fageol>>>〉Bearcat>OoP'72
Aeromarine‚Kiekh… G D OB IO IB 1942?∼? {Brunswick'90}〉Mercury
Aerothrust Engine Co G A 1914?∼1920?
Affiliated Mfrs Co G OB 1914∼1915 ›Admiral‹ |Blakely|
AGCO D IB ?∼ \Mermaid\?.
Ailsa Craig Motor Co G D IB OB 1902∼1972
Airdrive G OB 19??∼1934? |Kemp Machine Works|
Akasaka D ?∼?
Albacore G D IB 195?∼198? Ad‚/Ford/
Albin D IB ?∼? >Volvo Penta'81
ALCO D IB a 1924? >White>>Fairbanks-Morse
Alfadan G OB 2024?
Alka G OB 1912∼1921 |AB Gumælius & Komp|
Allen D IB ?∼?
Allen Mfr‚ Frank S. E OB 1892∼19?? |Salisbury|
Alligator G OB ?∼?
Allis Chalmers D IB ?∼?
Allison G IB B 1937∼1946
Allison D ?∼?
Alma G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Alpha D IB ?∼?
Alstrom D ?∼?
AMC D ?∼?
American Diesel Corp D IB 1981∼200? /Ford/
American Engine Co. G OB 1915?∼? |Caille|
American Marine Diesel D IB 19??∼20?? /Mack/
American Marine Ltd D IB 1965?∼19?? /GM+JD+Ford/[AmMarine]
American Motor Co G IB OB 1896∼? (Caille)
American Motors Corp G B ?∼? (AMC-Jeep)
American Nautics D IB 19??∼20?? /Volkswagen Marine/
AmMarine D IB 1965?∼19?? |American Marine Ltd|
Amphion G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Anderson Engine Co G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Andoria SA (Poland) D B 1947∼2018
Anglo Belgian Corp D IB G 1912∼ <133kW/44L∼5200kW/351L>
AquaBug G OB 1974?∼2002? |Tanaka|
Aquamot E IB OB 2003?
Aquawatt E IB OB 1992±∼
Archimedes G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Arctic Cat Spirit G OB 19??∼19?? |Suzuki|
Arrow G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Arrow (Triton) G OB 1978?∼1984?
Arrow Machine Works ?∼?
Arrow Motor & Mach G IB OB 1916?∼?
Ashbrook Electric Co E OB 1912?∼1918? ›+‚Jewel‹
Aspéra Motors G OB 1956?∼1986? Tecumseh
Atlantic G D IB 1891? |Lunenburg Foundry|
Atlantic Company ?∼?
Atlas Diesel D IB ?∼?
Atlas Gas Engine Co ?∼?
Atomic 4  G IB 1947∼1984 |Universal|
Audi D ?∼?
Auto Engine Works G IB 1931?∼1941? /The Capitol/>OoB'90
Automatic Machine ?∼?
AVL D ?∼?
B & W D IB ?∼?
Badger Motor Co G IB 1912∼1913> Universal
Baird Machine & Mfg ?∼? [Yale]
Baldwin Motor Co ?∼?
Baltic G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Barber Brothers ?∼?
Barker Motor Co ?∼?
Barracuda G OB 1961?∼1962? |Eska|
Baudouin G D IB 1918∼ <136kW/6L∼1214kW/32L>
Bazan D ?∼?
Bearcat (Fisher-Pierce) G IB OB 1966∼1972 >OoP'72
Bedford D IB ?∼?
Beijers Motorfabrik D IB ?∼1923? (Sweden)
Belarus D IB ?∼?
Belle Isle Motor Co ?∼? [SkiDoo]
Bergen D IB ?∼?
Bessemer Gas Engine G D IB a ?∼? >Cooper Bessemer'29
Beta Marine D IB Sa 1987∼ /Ford+FPT+JD+Isuzu+Kub+/
Blackstone D ?∼?
Blakely Engine Co G IB OB 1914∼1915 OoB'17?
Blue Jet G OB 1961?∼1962? |Eska|
BMC D ?∼?
Boch H F and Co G ?∼? >OoB? [Advance]
Bolnes D ?∼?
Bolinder-Munktell G D IB OB 1894∼1950> Volvo'50
Bomac D IB 1956∼ /Ford/
Bowman D IB 1919∼ /Ford/
Bridgeport Motor Co ?∼?
Briggs & Stratton G OB 1908∼ (Vanguard)
British Anzani G OB 19??∼19?? >OoB'80 Re-formed"03
^ British Anzani OB G OB 196?∼197? >OoB'80<Oliver
British Leyland D IB ?∼
British Marine G D IB ?∼?
British Seagull G OB 1931∼1996 >OoP'96 >Sheridan Marine'99
Brons D IB ?∼?
Brooks Mfg Co G OB 19??∼1934? |Caille|
Brown-Talbot Co G IB 19??∼19??
Buick G B ?∼? {GM}
Brunswick G D IB IO OB L‚J 1960∼ }MercuryMCForce‚+{
Brooklure G OB 1950∼1958
Buccaneer G OB 19??∼19?? |Gale|>OoB
Buda Co G D IB ?∼?
Buffalo Gasolene M… ?∼?
Bugatti Marine D ?∼?
Bull Pup ?∼? |Fairfield Motor Co|
Burmeister & Wain D ?∼?
Burroughs G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Burtray G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
C & G Cooper ?∼? >Cooper Bess…'29>GE"14
C M D D ?∼? (CMD)
C-Power D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Cady C N Co Inc G IB ?∼?
Caille Perfection Motor G IB OB L‚P 1912∼1934
Callesen D ?∼?
Camden Anchor-Roc… ?∼? [Knox]
Campbell G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Capitol‚ The G IB 1931?∼41? |Auto Engine Works|
Carniti G OB 1999∼2001
Caron Bros Sales Corp ?∼?
Case D ?∼?
Caterpillar D IB a 19??∼
Champion G OB 1935∼1959 |Scott-Atwater'42+?|
Changfa D ?∼?
Channon G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Changtong D ?∼?
Chevrolet G B ?∼ {GM}
Chingford Boat Ctr D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Chris Craft G IB 19??∼?
^ Chris Craft OB G OB 1949∼1953 >Oliver
Chrysler G B 19??∼19??
Chrysler Marine G D IB IO 19??∼19??> ?
Chrysler Outboard G OB L 1965∼1984> {Bayliner}〉Force
Cimco Marine AB G OB 19??∼
Citroen D ?∼?
Clark D ?∼?
Clark Sintz G IB 1883?∼1188? >Sintz Gas Engine Co¨90
Clarke Gas Engine Co ?∼?
Claude Sintz G IB 1907∼1924? [Leader]
Clay G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Cleveland ?∼?
Clinton G OB 19??∼
CMD (Cummins MerCr) D IB IO 2002∼2012 Joint-Venture "02∼"12
CMD / FNM D IB IO S 1980?
Coast to Coast G OB 1965? |Eska|
Coates G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Colt G OB 1963? |Eska|
Coltec D ?∼?
Columbia Engine Co G D IB 1900?∼1926? {Wadsworth Mfg Co}
Columbia G OB 19??∼1934? |Caille|
Columbian G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) <Cullen Motor Co>
Comanco G OB 1956∼1959
Comet G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) |? Swe|
Comet G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) |? UK|
Commodore G OB 19??∼ |West Bend|
Consolidated Shipbldg ?∼? [Speedway]
Continental G D IB 193?∼?
Cooley Mfg Co ?∼?
Cooper D ?∼?
Cooper-Besssemer D IB a ?∼? Cooper Industries'65>GE"14
Corsair G OB 1948∼1957> |Scott-Atwater+|
Couach D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Covington Diesel D IB 1980?∼1990? /Detroit Diesel/
Cox Marine D OB 2007∼
CRM D ?∼?
Crofton G IB OB L 1959∼1961> Homelite>〉Bearcat>OoP'72
Crosley G IB a 1944∼1952> Aerojet>>〉Bearcat>OoP'72
Cruise'n Carry G OB 1980∼1992
Crusader G IB 19??∼
CT Marine D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Cudell G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) DEU
Cullen Motor Co G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) >Columbian<
Cummins D IB P‚a 1919∼
Cummins MerCruiser D IB IO 2002∼2012 CMD Joint-Venture "02∼"12
Cummins-Wartsila D IB 1995∼2000 >J-V Dissolved 2000
Curtiss-Wright G IB 1909∼1946
Cushman Motor Wks ?∼?
Cyclone G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Daedong D ?∼?
Daewoo D ?∼ >〉Doosan
DAF D ?∼?
Daihatsu D ?∼
Daimler D ?∼?
Daimler Chrysler D IB ?∼?
Daimler Motor Co ?∼? [Silent Knight]
Dana G IB IO ?∼? /GM/
Danette G OB ?∼?
Dayton-Dick Co G IB 1907∼1924? [Leader]
Dayton-Dowd Co G IB 1907∼1924? [Leader]
Daytona D IB ?∼1998 >OoB'99>US-1 Marine"00
DBD Marine G OB 19??∼
Dean Mfg G IB ?∼? [Fox Motor]
Deere‚ John D IB a ?∼
Defoe Boat & Motor ?∼? [Stork]
DEK D ?∼?
Delaware Machine ?∼? [Harris]
Detroit Engine Works G OB 19??∼1934? |Caille|
Detroit D ?∼?
Detroit Auto Engine Sp ?∼? [Liberty]
Detroit Auto-Marine ?∼?
Detroit Diesel D IB B ?∼ 2sc>MTU'?? & 4sc>Daimler"??
Detroit Engine Works G D IB OB 1900?∼1926? {Wadsworth Mfg Co}
Detroit Motor Car Sup G D IB 1900?∼1926? {Wadsworth Mfg Co}
Deutz D IB 1864?
Deutz / Stykes D ?∼?
DGRA D ?∼?
Diesel Conversion D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Diesel Power D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Dimin D ?∼?
Disappearing Prop… ?∼? [DisPro]
DisPro ?∼? |Disappearing Propeller|
DMR D ?∼?
Dodge G B ?∼?
Doman H C Co ?∼?
Doosan Engine D ?∼
Dorman D ?∼?
DuBrie Motors Co ?∼?
Ducassou G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) FRA
Dunn Walter E Mfg Co G IB ?∼?
E.H. Hewitt D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Eagle (Standard Co) G IB ?∼?
Eagle Co ?∼?
Easthope Bros ?∼?
Eaton G IB IO ?∼? /Ford-US/
Eaton Co Ltd ›Viking‹ G OB 1913∼1969 |EvinrudeEltoGaleChrysler+|
EBRO D IB ?∼? |Motor Iberica>Nissan'87|
Echard G OB ?∼?
Econ-O-Power G D IB 1931?∼198? Lehman
Eddystone Globe ?∼? |Pennsylvania Iron Work|
Effzett G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) DEU
Eldbridge Motor Co ?∼?
Electro-Motive Diesel D IB a ?∼? >Caterpillar "10
Elektro E IB OB 1992±∼ Aquawatt
Elco Motor Yachts E OB IB 1893∼
Eldbridge Motor Co ?∼?
ELGI D ?∼?
Elgin Sears G OB 1946∼19??> |WestBend'59>Scott‚ +|
Ellsworth Foundry & ?∼?
Elto OB Motor Co G OB 1921∼1941 >OMC'29
EMD D IB a ?∼? >Caterpillar "10
Emmons Specialty Co G OB 19??∼1934? |Caille| (OME)
Enfield D ?∼?
Enterprise D IB ?∼?
ePropulsion E IB OB P 2018? [Evo]
Erd Motor Co ?∼?
Eska G OB 1961∼1987 >OoB'87
Essex Engine Co ?∼?
Eureka G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) FRA
Evinrude G IB IO OB 1938∼2020 {OMC"01>Bombardier}
Evo E OB 2018?∼? [ePropulsion]
Explorer G OB 1968?∼1982? |Eska|
F. J. Humphryes G IB ?∼? [Gosper Engines]
Fageol Leyland D ?∼?
Fageol Marine G IB 1947?∼1959 >?Crofton
Fageol G IB OB L 1956∼1959> Crofton>>〉Bearcat>OoP'72
Fahrney G IB 1895∼1898> Termatt & Monahan
Fairbanks-Grant Mfg ?∼?
Fairbanks-Morse D IB ?∼?
Fairfield Motor Co ?∼? [Bull Pup]
Farymann D IB a 1947∼ >Briggs&Strat'79>?'84>?
Fay & Bowen Engine G IB 1895∼1927 >FayBow
^ FayBow G IB 1928∼1937 <Fay & Bowen
FCA (Fiat Chrysler) G D IB ?∼?
Featherweight G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Federal G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Federal Marine Motors G IB 19??∼1948? /Ford‚Jeep/
Federal Motor & Mfr G OB 19??∼1915?
Federals G OB 1971?∼1972? |Eska|
Federal Mogul D ?∼?
Fenwick Groupe G D IB OB P‚a ?∼ /Ford/ Tohatsu‚ Cox‚ Solé.
Ferro Mach&Foundry ?∼?
^Ferro G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Fiat (FPT) D ?∼ \Vetus+\.
Fiat Chrysler (FCA) G D ?∼?
Firestone G OB 1946∼1957> |Scott-Atwater+|
Fisher-Pierce G OB 1966∼1972 [Bearcat]>OoP'72
Fisherman ?∼? |Loan-Trask Engineering|
Flambeau G OB 1947∼1957
Flinders G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Flover (CSM Tech) E T 2011∼
FNM / CMD D IB IO S 1980?
Foden D ?∼?
Fog G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Foos Gas Engine Co G D IB 1987∼1946?
Force G OB L 1984∼1999 >{Brunswick'86}
Ford G B ?∼?
^ FoMoCo G B ?∼?
^ Ford New Holland D IB 19??∼ Ford
^ Ford Otosan D IB B 19??∼ Ford
^ Ford-UK D IB B ?∼? \Am+Beta+Lehman+Mermd+\.
^ Ford-US G IB B ?∼? \MerCruiser+OMC+USM+\.
Ford-Lehman D IB 1965∼1990? /Ford/ >American Dsl
Foreman Motor&Mach ?∼?
Foremost G OB 1965?∼1980? |Chrysler|‹J. C. Penney Co
Fortis G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
Foton D ?∼?
Fox Motor G IB ?∼? |Dean Mfg|
FP D ?∼?
FPT (Iveco) D ?∼ \Beta+Mermaid+\.
Frank S. Allen Mfr E OB 1892∼19?? |Salisbury|
Frazer-Adams G IB ?∼?
Frisbie Motor Co G IB 1902∼193? >Frisbie-Hoeft Co'?
Fulton Engine Co ?∼?
Fury G OB 1961? |Eska|
Gamble-Skogmo G OB 1941?∼1961 ›Hiawatha‹
Gaffga J S & Co ?∼?
Gale Products G OB 1933∼1964 |OMC| >OoB'1999
^ Gale Canada G OB 1933∼1964 |OMC| >OoB'1999
Gardner D IB ?∼? >Perkins'86
Gas Engine & Power ?∼? [Speedway]
GDF D ?∼?
Generac G D a ?∼?
General Electric D ?∼?
GE Jenbacher D ?∼?
General Motors G D B ?∼? \MerCruiser+OMC+VP+++\.
General Tire Aerojet G IB OB L 1952∼1956> Fageol>>>〉Bearcat
Gierholtt G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Gile Boat & Motor Co ?∼?
Gilmore Motor Mfg Co ?∼?
^Gilmore G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Gimotors D ?∼?
Glideaway ‹Mullins› G OB 1914∼? |Caille|
Globe G IB ?∼? [Pacific‚ Regan‚ Union]
Globe Iron Works ?∼? [White]
GMC G D B ?∼? {General Motors}
GMT D ?∼?
Go – Devil G OB 2003∼2007
Golden Arrow G OB 1961? |Eska|
Golden Jet G OB 1962?∼1972? |Eska|
Gopher G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Gosper Engines G IB ?∼? |F. J. Humphryes|
Grade G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) DEU
Grand Banks D IB 1965?∼19?? {American Marine Ltd}
Gray Marine G D IB OB 1901∼1967 /GM-DD++/>Continental'44
Gray-Hawley Mfg Co ?∼? [Little Skipper]
Grenaa D ?∼?
Guascor D ?∼?
Gumælius & Komp G OB 1912∼1921 [Alka]
Haibo E OB T 2000?
Hall-Scott Motor Car ?∼?
Hanimex G OB 1973?∼1976? |Eska|
Hangkai OBs G E OB T 2000∼ |Taizhou Gongda …|
Hanomag D ?∼?
Hanshin D ?∼?
Harris ?∼? |Delaware Machine|
Hasse-motor G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) DEU
Hatz ?∼?
Hawbolt Gas Engines ?∼?
Hawker Siddeley D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Hedemora D ?∼?
Henschel D ?∼?
^Henschel G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) DEU
Hercules Motors G D IB 1915∼1999 >OoB'99
^ Hercules Mfg G D IB 1999∼ <Hercules Motors
^ ^ Hercules Engine… G D IB 1999∼ <…Components
Hettinger Engine Co ?∼?
Hi-Speed G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Hiawatha ‹Wards› G OB 19??∼1934? |SpinawayCaille|
Hiawatha ‹Gambles› G OB 1941?∼1961 |GaleScottEska‚+|
Hicks Engine Sales Co G IB ?∼? |Yuba|
Hidea G OB 19??∼
Highpower Marine D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Hino D IB ?∼? \US Marine'96?\.
Hitachi D ?∼?
Hoefer Mfg Co G OB 1911?∼1924 >Speedaway〉Spinaway
Holeby D ?∼?
Homelite G IB OB 1961∼1966> {Fisher-Pierce〉Bearcat}
Honda G OB 1976?
Hornsby ?∼?
Hubbard Motor Co ?∼?
Hudson ?∼?
Humboldt Gas Engine ?∼?
Hupah D ?∼?
Hyundai D ?∼? \Beta+Mermaid+\.
Imperial ?∼? |Stewart Bruce & Co|
Imperial Gas Engine ?∼?
International D ?∼?
Indenor D ?∼? {Peugeot}
Indmar G IB 19??∼
^^Invincible G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Iseki D ?∼?
Isotta D ?∼? (Fraschini)
Isuzu D IB a ?∼ \Beta+Klassen+\.
Iveco D ?∼ >FPT
J. C. Penney Co G OB 1965?∼1980? |Chrysler‚ Eska|
J.G.M. Marine D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Jarvis G OB 19??∼
JC Penney Co G OB 1965?∼1980? |Chrysler‚ Eska|
^ JCPenney G OB 1965?∼1980? |Chrysler‚ Eska|
JCB D IB ?∼ \Mermaid\?.
Jewel Electric Co E OB 1912?∼1918? ‹+‚Ashbrook
John Deere D B ?∼ \AmMarine+Lugger+MER+\.
Johnson G IB IO OB 19??∼2007 {OMC"01>Bombardier}
Johnson & Towers D IB 1980?∼1990? /Detroit Diesel/
Jones‚ Lyman G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Jones‚ Samuel G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Joymotot G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
JVB Engine Co ?∼?
Kahlenberg Bros Co D IB ?∼?
Kama D a ?∼?
Kelvin D ?∼?
Kemp Machine Works G A 19??∼1934? [Airdrive]
Kermath Mfg Co ?∼?
Kiekhaefer Aeromarine G D OB IO IB 1942?∼? {Brunswick'90}〉Mercury
Kiekhaefer Mercury G OB 1939∼ >{Brunswick'61}〉Mercury
Kilo-Pak D ?∼?
Kingfisher D ?∼?
Kirloskar D ?∼?
Kissel (Waterwitch) G OB 1936∼1944> West Bend
Klassen Engine Co D IB a 1965∼ /Isu+Mits+/=[Suzie] (Yukon)
Knight G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
Knox ?∼? |Camden Anchor∼Roc…|
Koban G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Kohler G D OB a 19??∼
Kolomna D ?∼?
Komatsu D ?∼?
Krautler Elektro… E 20??∼ Elektromaschinen GmbH
Kubota D IB a ?∼ \Beta+Universal+\.
LA Motor Co G IB OB 1904∼1929 (aka Lockwood-Ash) >OMC'29
La Roche Electric G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Lackawanna Mfg Co G IB 1905?∼1907?
Lamb Boat & Engine ?∼?
Lamborghini D ?∼?
Lancing Marine D IB ?∼ /Ford+EBRO/
Land Rover D ?∼?
Lathrop Engine Co G IB ?∼?
Launtop D ?∼?
Lauson G OB 1940∼1956
Lauson A H Co ?∼?
Leader Gas Engine Co G IB 1907∼1924?
Lehman Mfg Co G D IB 1931?∼1990? /Ford/ >Sabre?
^ Lehman-Ford D IB 1965∼1990? /Ford/ >American Dsl
Lehr P OB 2012∼ (Propane)
Leyland D IB ?∼?
Liberty ?∼? |Detroit Auto Engine Sp|
Liebherr D ?∼?
Lille Crepelle ?∼?
Lion ?∼? |Neeff Machine Co|
Lister G D IB ?∼? >Lister Petter'86
Lister Petter G D IB ?∼?
Little Giant ?∼? |United Mfg Co|
Little Skipper ?∼? |Gray-Hawley Mfg Co|
Little Skipper ?∼? |Saint Clair Motor Co|
Loan-Trask Engineer ?∼? [Fisherman]
Lockwood-Ash G IB OB 1904∼1929 (aka LA Motor Co) >OMC'29
Lomatec D IB ?∼?
Lombardini D IB a 1933∼ >Kohler"07
Loveland Mfg Co ?∼?
Lovol D IB ?∼?
Lozier Motor Co G IB ?∼?
Lugger D IB a 1958∼ |Kubota+JD+|{Northern Lights}
Lunenburg Foundry G D IB 1891? ›Atlantic‹
Lutetia G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) FRA
Lycoming Mfg Co G IB ?∼?
Lyons Machine… G IB OB 1913∼1916 Blakely+++‹
M.I.T. Marine D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Mack D IB 19??∼20?? \American Marine Diesel\.
Majestic G OB 1950∼1957
MaK D ?∼? >Caterpillar '??
Makita D ?∼?
MAN B&W D ?∼?
Manises D ?∼?
Marine Diesel D ?∼?
Marine Power G D IB ?∼
Mariner G OB 19??∼ |Mercury+Yamaha+|
Martin G OB 1946∼1954
Maxus G OB 19??∼
Mazda D IB ?∼?
MBV G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
McCulloch G OB 1964∼1967
McDuff W J G IB ?∼?
McLachlan G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
McLaren D ?∼?
MECCO Engine Co ?∼?
MEP G OB 1956?∼1986? Tecumseh
MER D IB ?∼ /John Deere/
Mercedes D IB ?∼?
MerCruiser G D IB IO 1961∼ /GM+Ford-US+/{Brunswick}
MerCruiserCummins D IB IO 2002∼2012 CMD Joint-Venture"02∼"12
Mercury G OB 1939∼ |Kiekhaefer|>{Brunswick'61}
Mercury Racing G IO OB 19??∼ |Kiekhaefer|>{Brunswick'??}
Merlin D IB 1982∼1990> Daytona>OoB'99>US∼1"00
Mermaid D IB ?∼? /Ford+FPT+FNM+/
Meteor G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Mianus Motor Works G IB ?∼?
Michigan Wheel Co G OB 19??∼1934? |Caille| (MWC)
Michigan Yacht G IB 1885∼1910 >Pungs-Finch Auto …'03
Michigan Marine Mot ?∼?
Microrameur G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Middleditch Engine Co ?∼1912? >Bessemer'12>>CB>GE"14
Midland Engine Works G IB ?∼?
Mieler D ?∼?
Miller G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Minn Kota E OB T 1934∼
Mirrlees Blackstone D ?∼?
Mitsubishi D IB ?∼?
Mitsui D ?∼?
Montgomery Ward G OB 19??∼1934? ›Hiawatha‹|SpinawayCaille|
Montgomery Ward G OB 1926?∼1926? ›Neptune‹|Caille|
Montgomery Ward G OB 1933∼1986 ›Sea King‹|OMCEska‚+|
Moore ?∼? |Palmer-Moore Co|
Motogodille G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) FRA
Motor Iberica D IB ?∼? [EBRO]>Nissan'87
Motorenwerke-Wurzen D ?∼?
Motorgo ‹Sears G IB OB 1928∼1932 |Lockwood-AshCaille|
MotorGuide E OB T 1964∼ Guide-Right {Attwood}
Motorow G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Mud Buddy G OB 2006∼2007
Mud-Skipper Longtail G OB 19??∼
Mullins G OB 1914∼? ›Glideaway‹|Caille|
Muncie G OB 1938∼1966
Muncie Gear G OB 1933∼1937 [Waterwitch]
Munktell-Bolinder G D IB OB 1894∼1950> Volvo'50
Murphy D ?∼?
Murray & Tregurtha ?∼?
MWM D IB ?∼?
N. J. M. ?∼? |New Jersey Motors|
Nadler Foundry&Mach ?∼?
Nanni Diesel D IB ?∼ /Far+MAN+Kub+Toy+Dos+JD+/
Napier & Son D IB 194?∼196? OoP'196?
National G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Navistar D IB ?∼?
Neeff Machine Co ?∼? [Lion]
Neptune G OB 19??∼19?? |Muncie|
Neptune ‹Caille› G OB P 1926?∼1926? |Caille|
Neptune ‹Ward› G OB 1926?∼1926? |Caille|
New & Mayne G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
New Holland D IB 19??∼ (Ford UK)
New Jersey Motors ?∼? [N. J. M.]
New York Yacht‚+ G IB 1903?∼1934? [20th Century]
Niagara Gasoline Mot ?∼?
Nichoalds G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Niigata D IB a 1919? <761kW∼6825kW>
Nissan G OB 19??∼
NO-RO G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Nohab D ?∼?
Nordberg G D IB ?∼?
Norden G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Norpro D ?∼?
Northeast Ford D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Northern Lights D IB a 1958∼ |Kubota+JD+|[Lugger]
Northwestern G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Nymph G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Oldsmobile G B ?∼? {GM}
Oliver G OB 1955?∼1960? >Perkins'60
Olympian D ?∼?
OMC G OB 1929∼2000 [J&E]>{Bombardier'01}
^ OMC G IB IO 1961∼1998 CobraJV>Volvo Penta'98
OMD D ?∼?
Onan G D a ?∼?
Osco G D IB 1932∼2014? /Ford+/
Oshen-Hyfong G OB 19??∼
Otosan D IB 19??∼ (Ford)
Otto Gas Engine Wks ?∼?
Our Baby? G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Outboard Marine Corp G OB 1929∼2000 [J&E]>{Bombardier'01}
^OMC G IB IO 1961∼1998 CobraJV>Volvo Penta'98
OXE D OB 20??∼
Paccar D ?∼?
Pacific G IB ?∼? |Globe|
Packard Motor Car Co ?∼?
Page Engineering Co ?∼? [Straub Oriol]
Palmer Brothers Co ?∼?
Palmer-Moore Co G IB ?∼? [Moore]
Pancar D ?∼?
Parsons G D IB 190?∼197? /Ford+/>Coupland Bell'13
Parsun G OB 19??∼
Parsun‚ Suzhou EG D OB a 2004? [Mercury]
Pathfinder G OB 1974?∼1976? |Eska|
Paxman D ?∼?
PCM Pleasurecraft G IB 1975∼ >{Correct Craft"14}
Peerless Marine Eng ?∼?
Pegaso D ?∼?
Peninsular D ?∼?
Pennant G OB 1926∼? |Caille|
Pennsylvania Iron Wk ?∼? [Eddystone Globe]
Penta G D IB OB 1907∼1935> Volvo〉Volvo-Penta
Perkins G D IB a 1932∼ >Massy Ferg'59>>Cat'98
^ Perkins OB G OB 1960∼1963? >Rootes
Perkins Sabre D IB ?∼ >Caterpillar
PerkinsShibaura D IB a 1995∼ Joint Venture'95+
Petter G D IB ?∼? >Lister Petter'86
Peugeot D IB B ?∼?
Phasor D ?∼?
Pielstick D ?∼?
Pierce-Budd Co ?∼?
Pilot ?∼? |Trump Brothers Mach|
Pleasurecraft PCM G IB 1975∼ >{Correct Craft"14}
Polar Nohab D IB ?∼?
Powermarine D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Poyaud D ?∼?
Prakash D ?∼?
Pungs-Finch Auto G IB 1885∼1910 >OoB'10
Punsun D ?∼?
Quicksilver G a 19??∼ |Mercury|>{Brunswick'61}
Racine G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Ralaco D IB ?∼? S M Jones Co
Ray Electric OBs E OB 1974
Red Wing Motor Co G IB ?∼?
Regal Gasoline Engine G IB ?∼?
Regan Vapor Engine ?∼? |Globe|
Reid Gasoline Engine ?∼?
Renault G IB 1898∼? \MerCruiser+\.
Renault Marine G D IB ?∼? (+Couach) >Holt?
Rex G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Rice Brothers Co ?∼?
Rice J V Engine Co ?∼?
Roberts Motor Mfg Co ?∼?
Robin D ?∼?
Rochester Gas Engine G IB 1897?∼193??
Rolls-Royce G D IB ?∼?
Roman D ?∼?
Rootes OB G OB 1963?∼196? >British Anzani OB
Rotex G IJ 19??∼ {SeaDooBombardier}
Rover D ?∼?
Row Boat Engine Co G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Royal G OB 1949∼1956
Royal Engine Co ?∼?
RTA D ?∼?
Ruggerini D ?∼?
Rumo D ?∼?
Russell Newbery D ?∼?
Ruston D ?∼?
Saab D ?∼?
Sabb D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Sabre D IB ?∼? /Ford/ >Caterpillar
Sachs D ?∼?
Safix G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
Safix-Miller G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Salisbury E OB 1892∼19?? Frank S. Allen Mfr〉
Same D ?∼?
Sandow G D IB 1900?∼1926? |Wadsworth Mfg Co|
Saint Clair Motor Co ?∼? [Little Skipper]
Scania D ?∼?
Scott-Atwater G OB 1946∼1959> >McCulloch'56
Scott G OB 1959∼1964> |McCulloch| >OoP'67
Scott-McCulloch G OB 1960∼1964〉 |McCulloch|
Scripps Motor Co ?∼?
Sea Bee G OB 1946∼1960
Sea Flyer G OB 1951∼1954
Sea Hawk G OB 1972?∼1974? |Eska|
Sea King ‹Wards› G OB 1933∼1986 |OMCEska‚+|
Sea-Tec G OB 2008? |Zhejiang Painier Tech|
Seabreeze G OB 1966? |Eska|
Seabury Chas L ?∼? [Speedway]
Seaco G OB 1973?∼1978? {Eska}
Seacruiser G OB 1971?∼1974? |Eska|
SeaKing G OB 2017? |?|
Sears Canada G OB 1975?∼1979? |Eska|
Sears ›Elgin‹ G OB 19??∼19??> |West BendEska‚+|
Sears ›Motorgo‹ G IB OB? 192?∼193? |Lockwood-AshCaille|
Sears ›Water Witch‹ G OB 19??∼19??> |OMCMuncie‚+|
Sears ›Waterwitch‹ G OB 19??∼19??> |West BendEska‚+|
Seasall D ?∼?
Seatek S.p.a. D IB 1986?
Seeling G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Selva G OB 19??∼
Setha G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Seven Marine G OB 2010∼2021 >OoP"21
Sheridan Marine G OB 1999∼ <British Seagull
Shibaura D IB a 1995? Joint-Venture w/Perkins'95+
Silent Knight ?∼? |Daimler Motor Co|
Simplex Engine Co ?∼?
Sintz Bros. ?∼?
Sintz Gas Engine Co G IB 1890?∼1903? >Michigan Yacht&Power'02
Sintz‚ Clark G IB 1883?∼1188? >Sintz Gas Engine Co¨90
Sintz‚ Claude G IB 1907∼1924? [Leader]
Sintz-Wallin Co G IB 1907∼1924? [Leader]
Sisu D ?∼?
SkiDoo ?∼? |Belle Isle Motor Co|
Skipper G OB 1962?∼1967? |Eska|
SKL D ?∼?
Skoda Motory D IB ?∼?
Sloane Motor Co ?∼?
Smalley Motor Co ?∼?
Smit Bolnes D ?∼?
Smith Electric G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Solé D IB a ?∼?
Spartan G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
Speedaway G OB 1911?∼1924 >{Hoefer}〉Spinaway
Speedway ?∼? |Consolidated Shipbldg|
Speedway ?∼? |Gas Engine & Power Co|
Speedway ?∼? |Seabury Chas L|
Spencer G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) CAN
Spinaway G OB 1911?∼1924 >{Hoefer}
Spirit Arctic Cat G OB 19??∼19?? |Suzuki|
Sportfisher G OB 1970?∼1971? |Eska|
St. Clair Motor Co ?∼? [Little Skipper]
St. Lawrence G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) CAN
Standard G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Standard Co ?∼? [Eagle]
Standard Gas Engine G IB ?∼?
Standard Motor Con ?∼?
Stanley Co ?∼?
Star Powr D ?∼?
Sterling Engine Co ?∼?
Sterling OBs G OB J 19??∼1960s? (Clinton?)
Stewart & Stevenson D IB 1980?∼1990? /Detroit Diesel/
Stewart Bruce & Co ?∼? [Imperial]
Steyr D ?∼?
Stork ?∼? |Defoe Boat & Motor|
Stork Werkspoor D IB ?∼?
Straub Oriol ?∼? |Page Engineering Co|
Strauble Machine Co ?∼?
Strelingerr G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Stuart Turner Ltd 1898?∼1978 Wiki
Submerged Electric E OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Sulzer D IB G 1898∼1997 >Wärtsilä'97
Super Star D ?∼?
SuperBug G OB 1974?∼2002? |Tanaka|
Suzhou Parsun EG D OB a 2004? [Mercury]
Suzuki G OB 19??∼
Suzie D IB a 1965∼ /|Isuzu+Mits+| Klassen/
Svalan G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Sweet Mfg Co G OB 19??∼1934? |Caille|
Syracuse Gas Engine ?∼?
T & M Co G IB 1903∼? >?'10>OoB'17
T. Eaton Co Ltd ›Viking‹ G OB 1913∼1969 |EvinrudeEltoGaleChrysler+|
T. Norris D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Taizhou Gongda … G E OB T 2000∼ [Hangkai OBs]
Tanaka G OB 1982∼2002
Taylor Engines G a 194?∼1944> Crosley>>>>〉Bearcat>OoP'72
Tata D ?∼?
Tatra D ?∼?
Tecumseh G OB 1960∼1986 (Eska) ⌈Aspéra‚ MEP‚+⌉
Tempest D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Termatt & Monahan 1892∼1902> WMalleable>Simpliciy
Thor G OB 1935∼1939 >Mercury'39∼
Thornycroft G D IB 1907∼ /Ford+Hino+Kubota+/
Thousand Island Boat ?∼? |Lloyd|
Thrall Motor Co G D IB 1900?∼1926? [Thrall Refined]{Wadsworth}
Thuringer Motoren D ?∼? Werke (TMW)
Time G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Tiptop G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) DEU
Tohatsu G OB 19??∼ [Mercury+Nissan+++]
Toledo ?∼? |Universal Machine Co|
Tomos G OB 19??∼
Toppan Boat Mfg Co ?∼? [Toppan Reversible]
Toquet Motor Co ?∼?
Torqeedo E H IB OB P 2005∼
Torped G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Toyota D IB ?∼? \Yanmar\.
Tricircle D ?∼?
Trump Brothers Mach ?∼? [Pilot]
Truscott Boat Mfg Co ?∼?
Tuttle Motor Co G IB ?∼?
Ulstein Bergen D ?∼?
Ul'yanovsk G OB 19??∼
Union Engine Works ?∼?
Union Gas Engine Co ?∼? |Globe|
United Electric G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
United Mfg Co ?∼? [Little Giant]
Universal Machine Co ?∼? [Toledo]
Universal Motor Co G D IB a 19??∼ >Westerbeke /Kubota/
Ursus D ?∼?
US Engine ?∼?
US Marine G D IB IO OB 19??∼1996?> {Brunswick'86}
US-1 Marine D IB 2000∼ (Daytona"00>)
UTB D ?∼?
Van Blerck Motor Co ?∼?
Vauxhall D ?∼?
Vetus D ?∼ /Deutz+FPT+Hyu+Mits+/
Vickers D IB 1915?∼1926? >Petters
^ Vickers-Petters Ltd D IB 1919?∼1926? >Petters
Viking Motor Co G OB 1919?∼1919?
Viking ‹T. Eaton Co Ltd› G OB 1913∼1969 |EvinrudeEltoGaleChrysler+|
Vim Motor Co ?∼?
VM Motori D ?∼?
Volkswagen D IB ?∼?
Volvo D ?∼?
Volvo Penta G D IB IO OB S‚P 1907∼ Volvo acq'd Penta'35
Volvo/VW D ?∼?
Voyager G OB 1949∼1957
Voyager G OB 1961? |Eska|
W.H. Mullins G OB 1914∼? ›Glideaway‹|Caille|
Wadsworth Mfg Co G D IB 1900?∼1926? [DEC+DMCSC+CEC+TMC]
Walnut G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Ward‚ Montgomery G OB 19??∼1934? ›Hiawatha‹|SpinawayCaille|
Ward‚ Montgomery G OB 1926?∼1926? ›Neptune‹|Caille|
Ward‚ Montgomery G OB 1933∼1986 ›Sea King‹|OMCEska‚+|
Wärtsilä D IB G 1938∼ (>JV-CSSC)
Wartsila-Cummins D IB G 1995∼2000 >J-V Dissolved 2000
Washington Diesel D IB ?∼?
Water Sprite G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Water Witch (Sears) G OB 1936∼1944 |Kissel|
Waterman G OB 1906∼1917> Arrow Motor
^Waterman G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Watermota G D IB a ?∼? /Ford/
^Watermota G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) UK
Waterwitch (Sears) G OB 1933∼1941 |Muncie+Johnson|
Watkins Motor Co ?∼?
Waukesha G D IB ?∼? /Ford-US/
Weichai D ?∼?
Welox G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
Wesco G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille) Swe
West Bend G IO OB 1956∼1965> ChryslerOB>〉Force>OoP'99
Westerbeke G D IB a ?∼ /Perkins+Ford+MTU?+Mits+/
Western Auto ›Wizard‹ G OB 1940∼1980 |Mercury‚+|
Whisper Watt D ?∼?
White ?∼? |Globe Iron Works|
White Motor D ?∼?
Wilcox-McKim G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
^? Wilcox G OB 19??∼1915? (Ad)
Wiljo G OB 1961? |Eska|
Williams G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Willys ?∼? [Jeep] > Fiat"??
Wisconsin Machinery G OB 19??∼1934?
Wisconsin Motor Co D IB ?∼?
Wiseman Power D ?∼?
Witte D ?∼?
Wizard ‹Western Auto› G OB 1940∼1980 |Mercury‚+|
Wolverine Motor Wks G IB ?∼?
Wonder Mfg Co ?∼?
Wortham Blake D IB ?∼? /Ford/
Wright (w/Curtiss) G IB 1909∼1946
Wright Motor Co ?∼?
Wright Engine Co.‚ C T G IB ?∼?
^ Wright G OB 19??∼1934? (Caille)
Xinhuan D ?∼?
Yale ?∼? |Baird Machine & Mfg|
Yamaha G OB 1984? [Mariner+++]
YAMZ D ?∼?
Yangdong D ?∼?
Yanmar D IB OB S 19??∼ /Toyota/
Yuba G IB ?∼? Fr. Hicks
Yukon Power D ? a 2014? /Isuzu+Mitsubishi+/
Zetor D ?∼?
Zomair G OB 19??∼
ZSL D ?∼?

More about OBs from Wikipedia
More from BoatDiesel.com
More from www.OldMarineEngine.com (Table).
More from www.OldMarineEngine.com (Early 1&2 cylinder Table).
More from www.OldMarineEngine.com/Board.
More from www.OldMarineEngine.com.
More from CailleOutboards.com, Technical, History.
More from CailleOutboards.com/Rudder.
More from CailleOutboards.com/RBM.
More from CailleOutboards.com/Champion.
More from AntiqueOutboardMotorClub.
More from Rod & Gun in Canasda.

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02.06.08 –  ^  Reciprocating Piston Engine Configurations T
02.06.08 –  ^  Selecting the Right Diesel Engine for Your Boat T – Engines: Systems & Brands A∼Z: (Manufacturers‚ Marinizers‚ Resellers‚+). T – Engine Mechanical: (Pistons‚ Rods‚ Crankshafts‚ Cylinders‚ Heads‚ Valves‚+). T – Engine Lubrication: (Splash‚ Forced‚ Oil‚ Filtration‚ Additives‚ Oil Analysis‚+). T – Engine Aspiration & Fuel: (Petrol/Gasoline/Benzine‚ Diesel‚ CNG‚+). T – Engine Electrical: (Cranking‚ Charging‚ Ignition‚ Instrumentation‚+). T – Engine Cooling: (Air‚ Liquid (Raw Water‚ Fresh Water‚+). T – Engine Exhaust: (Dry‚ Wet‚ w/Separator‚+). T – Engine Mounting: (Hard‚ Soft‚+). T – Engine-to-Marine Gear Interfaces: (SAE Specs‚ Damper Plates‚ Jackshafts‚+). T – Marine Gears: (Reversing‚ Reduction; Mechanical‚ Hydraulic). T – Shafting: (Propshafts‚ Couplings‚ Seals‚ Bearings‚ Struts‚ Keys‚ Nuts‚+). T – Propellers: (Types‚ Materials‚+). T
02.06.09 – Electrical Systems: DC & AC (Direct Current‚ Alternating Current‚+). T – Auxiliary Generators: (Diesel‚ Gasoline‚ Natural Gas‚+). T
02.06.10 – Navigation & Communication Systems: T
02.06.11 – Safety Equipment: (Life Rafts‚ PFDs‚ Firefighting Eq.‚ Alarms‚ Medical Kits‚+). T
02.06.12 – Domestic Systems: T – Cabin Heating & Cooling: T – Water & Waste Systems: T
02.06.14 – Boat Tenders: T
02.07 – Marine Suppliers: (CAN‚ GBR‚ USA‚+). T
02.08 – Boat Builders A∼Z: (w/Vessel Types‚ Country & Years active). T
02.09 – Boat Refitters: (CAN‚ GBR‚ USA‚+). (Shipyards‚ Boatyards‚ Riggers‚ Repair Shops‚+). T
02.10 – Boat Building‚ Outfitting‚ Refitting & Repair Schools: (Incl. DIY). T
02.11 – DIY Boat Building‚ Outfitting‚ Refitting & Repair: (Maintenance‚ Troubleshooting‚+). T
03 – BOAT MARKETING: Boat Shows‚ Dealers‚ Brokers‚ Importing‚ Exporting‚ Auctions‚ Sales‚+. T
04 – BOAT INSPECTION: Types of Surveys‚ Marine Surveyors‚ Schools‚ DIY Inspections‚+. T
05 – BOAT TITLES & VESSEL REGISTRY: Boat Title & Registration‚ Vessel Registry‚ Title Co's‚+. T
06 – BOAT FINANCING: Conventional (BanksCredit Unions‚+)Unconventional (Creative)‚+. T
07 – BOAT INSURANCE: Policies‚ Claim Processing (FilingRepairClaimSubrogationCases)‚+. T
08 – BOAT TRANSPORT: By Sea (Piggyback‚ Delivery Skippers & Crews‚ & Towing)‚ Over-Land‚+. T
09 – BOAT LAUNCHING & HAULING: Drydocks‚ Ways‚ Lifts‚ Cranes & Hoists‚ Launch Ramps‚+. T
10 – BOAT MOORAGE & STORAGE: Builders‚ Anchorages‚ Marinas‚ Yards‚ Racks‚ Stacks‚+. T
11 – BOATING ORGANIZATIONS: Yacht Clubs‚ Paddling Clubs‚ Owners‚+. Education‚ Gov-Aux‚+. T
12 – BOATING & TRAVEL: Events‚ Destinations‚ Boat Rentals‚ Charters‚ Cruises‚ Voyages‚+. T
13 – BOATING & MARITIME EDUCATION: Recreational Seamanship‚ Ship's Master & Crew‚+. T
14 – MARINE LAWS & REGULATIONS: International & National LawsLawyers‚ Investigators‚+. T
15.01 – DIY Boat Building‚ Outfitting‚ Refitting & Repair (Incl. Maintenance & Fault Finding). T
15.02 – DIY Boat Sales (Buyers & Sellers). T
15.03 – DIY Boat Inspections (Pre-Survey‚ Pre-Purchase‚ Pre-Sale‚ Pre-Voyage‚ Sea Trials‚+). T
15.04 – DIY Schools & Classes (Boat Building‚ Refitting‚ Inspection‚ Troubleshooting‚ Repair‚+). T
15.04 –  ^  Anchors Aweigh Academy. V
16 – MEDIA w/Creator Directory: (Authors‚ Editors‚ Publishers‚+) + Academy eLibrary. T
16.01 – Documentation: (Catalogs‚ Ads‚ SpecSheets‚ Manuals‚ TechVids‚ Bulletins‚ Recalls‚+). T
16.02 – Books: (Bound‚ eBooks‚+). T
16.02 –  ^  10 Wooden Boats You Can Build For Sail‚ Motor‚ Paddle‚ and OarPeter H. Spectre B
16.02 –  ^  12 Volt Bible for BoatsMiner Brotherton B
16.02 –  ^  12 Volt Doctor's Practical HandbookEdgar J. Beyn B
16.02 –  ^  Aluminum BoatbuildingErnest H. Sims B
16.02 –  ^  Aluminum Boatbuilding Guide — Glen L. Witt B
16.02 –  ^  American Merchant Seaman's Manual : For SeamenSeamen? B
16.02 –  ^  Basic Navel ArchitectureKenneth C. Barnaby B
16.02 –  ^  Basic Ship TheoryK.J. Rawson & E.C. Tupper B
16.02 –  ^  Beautiful Outboards — Peter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  Boat Engines : A Manual for Work and Pleasure BoatsP. J. Bowyer B
16.02 –  ^  Boat Maintenance : The Essential Guide — William Burr Jr B
16.02 –  ^  Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook — Dave Gerr B
16.02 –  ^  Boat Owner's ManualIntertec B
16.02 –  ^  Boat Repair Made Easy - EnginesKaufman B
16.02 –  ^  Boat-Building and BoatingDaniel Carter Beard B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilder’s HandbookUSCG B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilder's NotebookGlen L. Witt B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding Manual — Robert M. Steward B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding MethodsPeter Cook B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding on a Glass Fibre HullDave Gannaway B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding One-Off In FiberglassAllan H. Vaitses B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding with AluminumThomas Colvin B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding with AluminumStephen F. Pollard B
16.02 –  ^  ^  Boatbuilding with Aluminum : A Complete Guide … — Stephen Pollard B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding with PlywoodGlen L. Witt & Ken Hankinson B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding With SteelGilbert C. Klingel B
16.02 –  ^  Boatbuilding with Steel & Boatbuilding with AluminumKlingel & Colvin B
16.02 –  ^  Boater's Pocket ReferenceThomas McEwan B
16.02 –  ^  Boating Magazine's Powerboater's Guide to Electrical SystemsEdwin R. Sherman B
16.02 –  ^  Boating Magazine's Quick & Easy Boat MaintenanceSandy Lindsey B
16.02 –  ^  Boatkeeper : … Maintenance‚ Repair‚ ImprovementGladstone & Bottomley (Eds) B
16.02 –  ^  Boatman's Handbook : The New Look-it-up BookTom Bottomley B
16.02 –  ^  Boatowner's Fitting Out ManualJeff Toghill B
16.02 –  ^  Boatowner's Illustrated Electrical HandbookCharlie Wing B
16.02 –  ^  Boatowner's Illustrated Handbook of WiringCharlie Wing B
16.02 –  ^  Boatowner's Mechanical & Electrical ManualNigel Calder B
16.02 –  ^  Boatowner's Practical & Technical Cruising ManualNigel Calder B
16.02 –  ^  Commissioning & DecommissioningPractical Sailor Library B
16.02 –  ^  Complete Guide to Outboard Motor Service & RepairPaul Dempsey B
16.02 –  ^  Complete Powerboating ManualTim Bartlett & Simon Collis B
16.02 –  ^  Concrete BoatbuildingGainor W. Jackson B
16.02 –  ^  Cost Conscious CruiserLin & Larry Pardey B
16.02 –  ^  Diesel Engine MechanicsWayne A. Kelm B
16.02 –  ^  Diesel EnginesJ. W. Anderson B
16.02 –  ^  Diesel TroubleshootierDon Seddon B
16.02 –  ^  Diesels Afloat : The Must-Have Guide for Diesel Boat EnginesPat Manley B
16.02 –  ^  Don Casey's Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance ManualDon Casey B
16.02 –  ^  Electrical Handbook for RVs‚ Campers‚ Vans‚ Boats & TrailersHerb Gill B
16.02 –  ^  Electrics AfloatAlir Garrod B
16.02 –  ^  Engines Afloat : From Early Days to D-Day Vol 2Stan Grayson B
16.02 –  ^  Essential Boat MaintenancePat Manley & Rupert Holmes B
16.02 –  ^  Fiberglass Boat Survey ManualArthur Edmunds B
16.02 –  ^  GammelmotorenValdemar Steiro B
16.02 –  ^  Handling Troubles Afloat : What to Do When It All Goes WrongJohn Mellor B
16.02 –  ^  Handyman Afloat & AshoreKen Bramham B
16.02 –  ^  How To Repair Diesel EnginesPaul Dempsey B
16.02 –  ^  Inboard Motor InstallationsGlen L. Witt & Ken Hankinson B
16.02 –  ^  Inspecting the Aging SailboatDon Casey B
16.02 –  ^  Internal Combustion Engines — USCG B
16.02 –  ^  Inboard Engine‚ Transmission and Drive Service : ManualIntertec B
16.02 –  ^  Kawasaki Jet Ski Shop Manual‚ 1976-1988Ron Wright B
16.02 –  ^  Know Your Boat's Diesel EngineAndrew Simpson B
16.02 –  ^  Look Inside : Cross-Sections · SHIPS — Moira Butterfield B
16.02 –  ^  MaintenanceTime-Life B
16.02 –  ^  Managing 12 Volts : How to Upgrade‚ Operate‚ and TroubleshootHarold Barre B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Diesel Basics — Dennison Berwick B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Diesel Engines : Maintenance‚ Troubleshooting‚ and RepairNigel Calder B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Diesel Engines : Maintenance & Repair ManualJean-Luc Pallas B
16.02 –  ^  Marine DieselsM. David Burghardt & George D. Kingsley B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Electrical Care & RepairDavid MacLean B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Electrical Electronics BibleJohn C. Payne B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Electrical SystemsDIY Boat Owner Magazine B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Engine Room Blue BookWilliam D. Eglinton B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Engines & PropulsionRanger Hope B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Fire Prevention‚ Firefighting and Fire SafetyUS DoC MA B
16.02 –  ^  Marine InvestigationsDavid Pascoe B
16.02 –  ^  Marine Metals ManualRoger Pretzer B
16.02 –  ^  Metal Corrosion In BoatsNigel Warren B
16.02 –  ^  Metals Handbook — ASM B
16.02 –  ^  Modern Boat MaintenanceBo Streiffert (Ed) B
16.02 –  ^  Motor Boat EnginesAlan C. Wilson B
16.02 –  ^  NYNEX Boaters DirectoryNYNEX B
16.02 –  ^  Oars‚ Sails and SteamEdwin Tunis B
16.02 –  ^  Outboard Motors Maintenance and Repair ManualJean-Luc Pallas B
16.02 –  ^  Powerboat Care and RepairAllen D. Berrien B
16.02 –  ^  Powerboater's Guide to Electrical Systems (Boating Magazine)Edwin R. Sherman B
16.02 –  ^  Practical Small Powerboat MaintenanceAllen D. Berrien B
16.02 –  ^  Preliminary Design of Boats & ShipsCyrus Hamlin B
16.02 –  ^  Primitive BenchmarkJerry N. Selness B
16.02 –  ^  Propeller HandbookDave Gerr B
16.02 –  ^  Quick & Easy Boat Maintenance : 1‚001 Time-Saving TipsSandy Lindsey B
16.02 –  ^  Reeds Diesel Engine Troubleshooting HandbookBarry Pickthall B
16.02 –  ^  Reeds Outboard Motor Troubleshooting HandbookBarry Pickthall B
16.02 –  ^  Refrigeration For PleasureboatsNigel Calder B
16.02 –  ^  Replacing Your Boat's Engine (Adlard Coles Manuals)Mike Westin B
16.02 –  ^  Run Your Diesel Vehicle on BiofuelsJon Starbuck & Gavin D. j. Harper B
16.02 –  ^  Running FixTony Gibbs BF
16.02 –  ^  RYA Book of Diesel EnginesTim Bartlett B
16.02 –  ^  RYA Book of Outboard MotorsTim Bartlett B
16.02 –  ^  RYA Diesel Engine HandbookAndrew Simpson B
16.02 –  ^  Sailboat Electrics SimplifiedDon Casey B
16.02 –  ^  Seaworthy: Essential Lessons from BoatUS — Robert A. Adriance – BoatU.S. B
16.02 –  ^  Seloc Bombardier Sea-doo Personal Watercraft … ManualClarence W. Coles. (T) B
16.02 –  ^  Seloc Kawasaki Personal Watercraft‚ 1992-97 Repair ManualJoan Coles B
16.02 –  ^  Seloc Yamaha Personal Watercraft … ManualClarence W. Coles B
16.02 –  ^  ShipsRichard Humble B
16.02 –  ^  Ships & Boats : Sail‚ Navigation‚ Radar‚ Anchor‚ Keel …Chris Oxlade B
16.02 –  ^  Shipshape - The Art of Sailboat MaintenanceFerenc Mat B
16.02 –  ^  Simple Boat MaintenancePat Manley B
16.02 –  ^  Small Boat Engines - Inboard & OutboardConrad Miller B
16.02 –  ^  Small Engines and Outdoor Power Equipment — Peter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  Sorensen's Guide to Powerboats — Eric W. Sorensen B
16.02 –  ^  Stability and Trim for the Ship's OfficerWilliam E. George (Ed) B
16.02 –  ^  Stapleton's Powerboat Bible : How to Buy‚ Equip‚ and Organize …Sid Stapleton B
16.02 –  ^  Strength of Aluminum vs Strength of SteelKasten B
16.02 –  ^  Surveying and Restoring Classic BoatsJ C Winters B
16.02 –  ^  Surveying Fiberglass Power BoatsDavid Pascoe B
16.02 –  ^  Surveying Small CraftIan Nicolson B
16.02 –  ^  Take the Mystery Out of Boat MaintenanceLawrence A. Diamond B
16.02 –  ^  The Adlard Coles Book of Diesel EnginesTim Bartlett B
16.02 –  ^  The Adlard Coles Book of Outboard MotorsTim Bartlett B
16.02 –  ^  The American Rowboat Motor: An Illustrated HistoryArlan Carter B
16.02 –  ^  The Boat Repair ManualGeorge Buchanan B
16.02 –  ^  The Boatman's Guide to Modern Marine MaterialsErnest A. Zadig B
16.02 –  ^  The Boatowner's Guide to Corrosion — Everett Collier B
16.02 –  ^  The Care and Repair of Small Marine DieselsChris Thompson B
16.02 –  ^  The Classic Outboard Motor HandbookPeter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  The Complete Book of Pleasure Boat EnginesErnest A. Zadig B
16.02 –  ^  The Diesel CompanionPat Manley B
16.02 –  ^  The Essential Boat Maintenance ManualJeff E. Toghill B
16.02 –  ^  The Golden Age of the Racing Outboard — Peter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ships‚ Boats‚ …Graham Blackburn B
16.02 –  ^  The Motorboat Electrical and Electronics ManualJohn C. Payne B
16.02 –  ^  The Napier WayBryan Boyle BB
16.02 –  ^  The Old Outboard BookPeter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  The Small-Engine HandbookPeter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  The Vintage Culture of Outboard Racing — Peter Hunn B
16.02 –  ^  The Young Sea Officer's Sheet AnchorDarcy Lever B
16.02 –  ^  Theory and Practice of Propellers For Auxiliary SailboatsJohn R. Stanton B
16.02 –  ^  This Old BoatDon Casey B
16.02 –  ^  Troubleshooting and Repairing Diesel EnginesPaul Dempsey B
16.02 –  ^  Troubleshooting Marine DieselsPeter Compton B
16.02 –  ^  Understanding Boat Corrosion‚ Lightning Protection…John C. Payne B
16.02 –  ^  Understanding Boat DesignEdward S. Brewer B
16.02 –  ^  Understanding Boat Diesel EnginesJohn C. Payne B
16.02 –  ^  Watch It Made in the USA : Visitor's Guide to the Best Factory Tours — Karen Axelrod B
16.02 –  ^  What Shape Is She In?. A Guide to the Surveying of BoatsAllan H. Vaitses B
16.02 –  ^  Your Boat's Electrical SystemConrad Miller & E. S. Maloney B
16.03 – Magazines: (Incl. Articles‚ Back Issues‚+). T
16.03 –  ^  The ANCHOR — Anchors Aweigh Academy M
16.03 –  ^  DIY Boat Owner - The Marine Maintenance MagazineBoatUS Mad Mariner (OoB) M
16.03 –  ^  Gas Engine Magazine M
16.03 –  ^  ^  The Kittyhawk: The Little-Known History of Orville Wright's Canadian Getaway and His Beautiful Boat MA
16.03 –  ^  Rudder (The Antique & Classic Boat Society) Article Archive M
16.03 –  ^  ^  Major New Marine Engine History Book: Review of Engines Afloat MA
16.03 –  ^  ^  The Engine Company Remembered For Its Boats: Fay & Bowen Engine Co. MA
16.04 – Videos: (How-to-Tutorials‚ Documentaries‚ Travelogues‚+). T
16.05 – Websites: (Incl. Articles‚ Forum Posts‚ Tech Tips‚ Tech Notes‚ Social Media‚+). T
16.05 –  ^  Anchors Aweigh Academy V
16.05 –  ^  Antique & Classic Boat Society W
16.05 –  ^  BoatDiesel.comPeter Compton W
16.05 –  ^  BoatUS V
16.05 –  ^  ^  Aluminum CareDon Casey WA
16.05 –  ^  ^  Carbon Monoxide = Silent KillerDon Casey WA
16.05 –  ^  ^  Winterizing Your EngineDon Casey WA
16.05 –  ^  GasEngineMagazine.com W
16.05 –  ^  ^  Leader Tractors: No Longer a Leader WA
16.05 –  ^  ^  Major New Marine Engine History Book: Review of Engines Afloat WA
16.05 –  ^  International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) V
16.05 –  ^  ^  Ship and Boat Building TermsIIMS WA
16.05 –  ^  Martin's Marine Engineering PageMartin Leduc W
16.05 –  ^  ^  The Diesel engine and its development: A historical timeline — Martin Leduc WA
16.05 –  ^  OldMarineEngine.com W<
16.05 –  ^  Rudder (The Antique & Classic Boat Society) Article Archive W
16.05 –  ^  ^  Major New Marine Engine History Book: Review of Engines Afloat MA
16.05 –  ^  ^  The Engine Company Remembered For Its Boats: Fay & Bowen Engine Co. MA
16.05 –  ^  VintageOutboard.com W<
16.05 –  ^  Wikipedia W
16.05 –  ^  ^  Marine propulsion WA
00.00 –  ^  ΞTitleΞ – + (ΞNotesΞ) — ΞCreatorΞ – ΞSourceΞ ?

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Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter “Fuel Pincher” V8 Engine
Cummins V-555 & VT-555 “Triple-Nickel” V8 Diesel Engine
Lehman 120 (6D380) Diesel Engine (Ford 2704C & 2715E)
Ford Industrial Power Products Diesel Engines
How to Identify Ford Diesel Engines
Ford 2715E Diesel Engine
Lehman Mfg. Co.
Perkins Engines
Universal Atomic 4
Sears Boat Motors: Motorgo, Waterwitch, Elgin, etc.
Chrysler & Force Outboards
Eska Outboard Motors
Allison Transmission
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Marine Surveyors by Country
American Marine Ltd (Grand Banks)
Boat Inspection (Types of Marine Surveys)
Boat Builders: (A∼Z) (w/Vessel Types, Locale & Years Active)
USCG NVIC 07-95 Guidance on Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Wooden Hulls
American Boat and Yacht Counsel (ABYC)

Layout of the EverythingAboutBoats.org Website's Pages

— Types of Webpages —
This website consists almost entirely of 3 types of webpages as follows:

  1. TOPIC PAGES (See Main Topic Pages listed on Website Contents or the Right Sidebar)
  2. VENDOR PAGES (Vendors of Products, Services, Events,+, DestinationsMedia Creators)
  3. PRODUCT PAGES (Equipment, Events, Media: pDoc, Books, Magazines, Videos, Websites,+)

Clickable Links that lead to other webpages appear in Blue Text and usually open in a new window.
Links in the Right Sidebar and most directories open in the current window, not a new window.

Note in the examples above that these pages form a natural hierarchy.
The unnumbered "^" pages are listed alphabetically in most tables.

Media Titles in tables are distinguished by their smaller font size.
Media (Books, Magazines, Videos, Articles,+) are treated as Products.
Vendors' Product Documentation (pDoc) are considered Media.
Destinations & Media Creators are treated as Vendors.
All Website Pages are optimized for viewing on
full-width disktop computer monitors,
but can be viewed on phones.

— Contents of Webpages —
Website Pages typically contain the following Sections:

  1. PATH (Shows the chain of EAB pages w/links that lead to the page being viewed).
    1. EXAMPLE:
      BOAT BUILDING & REPAIR » Boat Equipment » Propulsion » Engines » ∨∨
      ∧∧ Ford, Ebro, American Diesel, AmMarine, Barr, Beta, Bomac, Bowman, Couach,
      Lees, Lehman, Mermaid, Parsons, RenaultSabre, Thornycroft, Wortham Blake »
      DO-IT-YOURSELF » DIY Boat Building & Repair » DIY Schools & Classes »
      MEDIA w/Creator Directory » Documentation, BooksMagazinesVideosWebsites »
    2. (The "»" right pointing Guillemet symbol shows the chain through the page links.)
    3. (The "," comma between page links in the chain indicates pages are not subordinate, but are instead at the same level. See engine brands in the example above.)
    4. (The "∨", "∨∨", "∨∨∨",+ symbols indicate that the path line continues with whatever follows the "∧", "∧∧", "∧∧∧",+ symbols respectively. "∧" Precedes each MAIN TOPIC Page.)
  2. PAGE CONTENTS (Table of Contents with links to each main section on the page).
  3. PAGE BODY (The type of page determines the contents of its body as follows:).
    1. TOPIC PAGES (Topic Treatment: Introduction, Overview, Background, Details,+).
      • (Many Topic Pages contain Directories of Vendors with Links).
      • (Most Directory Listings are Alphabetical and/or by Locale).
    2. VENDOR PAGES (Vendor's Profile, Contact Information, Products, Services,+).
      • (Manufacturers, Resellers, Refitters, Yards, Surveyors, Clubs, Schools, Authors,+).
      • (Boating & Travel Destinations are treated as Vendors on their own Vendor Pages).
    3. PRODUCT PAGES (Product Features, Vendor Links, Specifications, Documentation,+).
      • (Media created by a vendor is often treated as a Product on its own Product Page).
      • (Boating & Travel Events are often treated as Products on their own Product Pages).
  4. RELATED RESOURCES (Topics, Vendors, Products, Media: Books, Websites,+ with Links).
  5. PAGE TAIL Contains the following Anchors Aweigh Academy & EAB Website Features:
    1. The Anchors Aweigh Academy's EverythingAboutBoats.org Header.
    2. A link to our Featured Articles EAB Home Page.
    3. Top 20 Most Popular Articles. (The section that appears right above this section).
    4. Layout of the EverythingAboutBoats.org Website's Pages. (This very section).
    5. Topics of Webpages. (The very next section below).
    6. What we have accomplished so far.
    7. Members must Sign-In to gain full access to Expanded Pages & Programs.
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    9. Public Comments (about the website & about this page).
  6. RIGHT SIDEBAR (Website Contents menu with links to Main Topic & Subtopic pages).
    (On some smart phones, the Right Sidebar may appear at the bottom of the webpage)

— Topics of Webpages —
Website Pages are categorized under the following 16 MAIN TOPICS:

The MAIN TOPICS follow a natural progression from conception of the vessel thru its
building, marketing, survey, financing, insuring, transport, moorage, use and upkeep.
The MAIN TOPICS (all Caps) below are followed by their Main Subtopics with Links.

00 – HOME: CONTENTSABOUT EAB: Contact EAB, Abbreviations & Symbols, FAQ, GLOSSARY, ADs,+.
01 – ABOUT BOATS w/Museum Directory: Early History, Recent History, Modern Vessel Types,+.
02 – BOAT BUILDING, OUTFITTING, REFITTING & REPAIR: Materials, Equipment, Builders,+.
03 – BOAT MARKETING: Boat Shows, Dealers & Brokers, Importing & Exporting, Auctions & Sales,+.
04 – BOAT INSPECTION: Types of Marine Surveys, Marine Surveyors, Schools, DIY Inspections,+.
05 – BOAT TITLES & VESSEL REGISTRY: Boat Title & Registration, Vessel Registry, Title Co's,+.
06 – BOAT FINANCING: Conventional (Banks, Credit Unions,+), Unconventional (Creative),+.
07 – BOAT INSURANCE: Maritime & Recreational: Coverage, Carriers, Agents,+., Claim Processing,+.
08 – BOAT TRANSPORT: By Sea (Piggyback, Delivery Skippers & Crews, & Towing), Over-Land,+.
09 – BOAT HAULING & LAUNCHING: Drydocks, Ways, Lifts, Cranes & Hoists, Launch Ramps,+.
10 – BOAT MOORAGE & STORAGE: Builders, Anchorages, Marinas, Yards, Racks & Stacks,+.
11 – BOATING ORGANIZATIONS: Yacht Clubs & Sailing Clubs, Paddling Clubs, Boat Owners,+.
12 – BOATING & TRAVEL: Events, Destinations, Boat Rentals & Charters, Cruises, Voyages,+.
13 – BOATING & MARITIME EDUCATION: Recreational Seamanship, Ship's Master & Crew,+.
14 – MARINE LAWS & REGULATIONS: International & National LawsLawyers‚ Investigators‚+.
15 – DO-IT-YOURSELF: DIY Boat Building & Repair, DIY Boat Sales, DIY Boat Surveys, DIY Classes,+.
16 – MEDIA w/Creator Directory + Academy eLibrary: pDocs, Books, Magazines, Videos, Websites,+.

The above MAIN TOPICS and a more detailed listing of Subtopics
can be found on the Website Contents page and on the Right Sidebar.
An Alphabetical Index of the website can be accessed at Website Index.

What we have accomplished so far.
Anchors Aweigh Academy and its EverythingAboutBoats.org website.

  • Published over 50,000 website pages about boats and boating, bringing us closer to reaching our goal of becoming "The ultimate reference resource about boats and ships for everyone from the beginning recreational boater to the seasoned professional mariner!"
  • Published over 300 website main topic webpages, many with full articles on the topic. See our Website Contents or the Right Sidebar for the listing of the main topic pages.
  • Published over 9,000 marine vendor webpages, all with their contact information, most with a description of their products and services, many with product documentation, specifications and independent reviews. (incl.: Boat designers, boat building tools, material and equipment manufacturers and suppliers, boat builders and dealers, yacht brokers, marine surveyors, boat insurers, boat transporters, skippers and crews, boatyards and marinas, yacht clubs, boat rentals and yacht charters, boating, seamanship and maritime schools, marine law attorneys and expert witnesses, boat refitters and repairers, book authors, magazine publishers, video producers, and website creators)
  • Acquired over 120,000 pages of product documentation including Catalogs, Brochures, SpecSheets, Pictures, Serial Number Guides, Installation Manuals, OpManuals, Parts Catalogs, Parts Bulletins, Shop Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Service Bulletins, and Recalls. And have made all viewable to Academy Members through our EAB website eLibrary.
  • Acquired over 1,200 books and magazine back issues in our academy library and so far have made over 700 viewable to Academy Members through our EAB website eLibrary.
  • Published over 500 DIY How-To articles about boat design, construction, inspection, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. We are working hard to do more.

We are currently formatting and polishing the Anchors Aweigh Academy online and hands-on courses. Our Marine Surveying course has proven to be excellent for both the beginner and the seasoned surveyor, and especially helpful to the Do-It-Yourselfer.

Current Academy Members must SIGN IN to gain FULL access to this
website including expanded pages and valuable Academy programs
like our Academy eLibrary and our Ask-An-Expert Program!

If your membership has expired, CLICK HERE to Renew.

CLICK HERE to discover how you can become a Member and gain FULL access to
thousands of expanded pages and articles, and dozens of excellent programs

Comments for Public Viewing

Submit any comments for public viewing via email To: CommentsEverthingAboutBoats.org (Replace "" with "@")
Please remember to put this webpage's title in the subject line of your email.
All comments are moderated before they appear on this page. See Comment Rules.

General Comments About the Website

FROM Donald: "This is an awesome website. I found the information that I needed right away from one of the over 20,000 free articles that you provide as a public service. I'm surprised that so much if this site is free. But I still signed up so I could access the thousands of expanded pages, interesting articles, and dozens of valuable programs! The member's library of books, magazines and videos that I can view online is really terrific! I understand that you and your staff are all unpaid volunteers. Please keep up the good work. And I commend you for your plans to add another 10,000 free informative articles over the next year. I'm thrilled to support you in this endeavor with my small membership donation. Thanks again for all your hard work."

FROM Huey: "I agree with my Uncle, I too have found the articles to be very enlightening. They say that it will take about 100,000 articles to cover the full scope that they have envisioned for the website. They have over 20,000 articles so far and that's doing pretty well, but it could take several years to get the rest. I also noticed that many of the Main Topic Pages and some of the article pages are still in the rough draft stage. I guess that they will fill in as they can get volunteers to work on them. But what I can't figure out is why anyone would spend the time writing informative in depth articles just to give away free to this website for publication? What's in it for them?"

FROM Dewey: "Well Huey, to me It looks like most of the articles on this website are written by very informed people, like boating instructors, boat designers, boat builders, riggers, electricians, fitters, marine repair technicians and marine surveyors. Writing such articles helps establish them as knowledgeable professionals. After all, this website was originally created by a school for marine technicians and marine surveyors. The website is growing in content every day. They even had to move to a bigger, more powerful server because the website's traffic has been growing exponentially."

FROM Louie: "I agree with everyone above. This site is quickly becoming the ultimate reference resource about every aspect of boats and ships for everyone from the beginning recreational boater to the seasoned professional mariner. I use the topic pages on the right sidebar to browse around the website. It's like a Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook for Boaters. Their Members' Library of over 300 popular and obscure books and over 200 magazine back issues that can be viewed online is fabulous. The Academy's magazine is especially informative. On top of that, there is the "Ask-An-Expert program for members where you can get an expert's answer to any of your boat questions. And a whole years membership is only $25. What a deal! I really love being part of this "Everything About Boats" community and help provide thousands of helpful articles free to the public. I think that I'll sit down right now and write an article about my experiences boating with my uncle."

FROM Scrooge: "You rave about this website like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Well, I think it stinks. Sure, it has a lot of good information for boaters, and they're adding more every day, but it will probably never be finished. Furthermore, I don't even own a boat. And I wouldn't have a boat even if someone gave me one. Boats are a waste of money and time and energy and money! They're just a hole in the water you pour money into. If you gave me a boat, I'd sell it quicker then you could say Baggywrinkle. Then I'd lock up the cash with all my other money so I could keep my eye on it and count it every day. Bah humbug."

FROM Daisy: "I'm just so glad that Donald got the boat so we and the boys could enjoy boating — together. And of course all of the girls, April, May, and June, love to be on the water too, especially when that is where the boys are. Oh poor Scrooge, boating is more fun then you could possibly imagine."

FROM Scrooge: "After seeing how much fun you all have on the water together, I regret that I didn't have that much fun when I was young. I've had a change of heart, and I'm giving each of you a Lifetime Academy Membership."

FROM Editor: "For those of you that have stayed with us this far, many thanks, and we hope that you found this little narrative informative. Your faithful support inspires us to keep working on this phenomenal website. We know that we have a lot more to do. Ultimately, we hope that we can help you enjoy the wonder filled world of boating as much as we do. We are all waiting to see what you have to say about this webpage article. Submit any comments via email To: Comments♥EverythingAboutBoats.org (Replace "♥" with "@"). Be sure to include this page's title in the subject line. Also, your corrections, updates, additions and suggestions are welcomed. Please submit them via email To: Editor♥EverythingAboutBoats.org (Replace "♥" with "@"). It has been truly amazing to see what we have been able to accomplished when we've worked together. Thanks to all those that have donated their valuable time and energy, and a special THANK YOU to all that have supported this cause with their membership donations."

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